Meet Ginger! She went from homeless shelter waif to motorcycle mama! She loves to get in her very own monogrammed basket on the back of a small motorcycle and tour with her Dad. Visitors love taking photos of her on the bike so she is famous worldwide. She is a happy, joyous dog who greets and plays with all people and all dogs. Thanks to the Moab Animal Shelter and Humane Society for making another perfect match between human and dog!

Cinder’s Happy Home
I was at a friend's house when she informed me informed they had a Blue Heeler looking pup up at the Moab Animal Shelter. I've always loved blue healer dogs, so I just had to go up and see her. I brought my husband and a good friend and spent some time getting to know her.
The next morning I told myself it was crazy to bring another dog home, and I kept repeating that to myself for 3 1/2 days before I caved and asked to bring Cinder home for a trial run. I had a Belgian Malinois at home so I wasn't sure how it would go, but they quickly became friends. We had Cinder for a week before I signed the papers for adoption.
Cinder is super cute, wicked smart, and eager to please. And she's definitely a mama's girl! She loves sitting in my lap every evening, while she chews on her toys. But she also loves saying good morning to my husband, once she gets snuggles from me after getting out of her crate.
She's quickly becoming good friends with my friend’s puppy as well. I think Cinder and Nalu are about a month apart in age. So it's fun to go through puppyhood together.
My Belgian Malinois, is proving to be a really good big sis, and they get along great!

Smilely, a big Redbone Hound, with beautiful eyes and a resounding bay, found his perfect home in Moab. He had his person drop off these photos to wish us a Merry Christmas. He says that one photo shows off intelligence and the other is his impersonation of Sherlock Holmes. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Smilely.
A tribute to Squeak

Virtually everyone who is reading this has known the pain of saying goodbye to a furry friend. It is one of
the saddest parts of life that our fur babies do not live as long as we do. Our love for them continues
long after they are gone.
Fourteen years ago a five year old male stray cat was brought to the Moab City Animal Shelter. He was
very timid and had an old hip injury. Animal Control Supervisor Randy Zimmerman decided he should be
the shelter mascot. Animal Control Officer Jamie Hulce, named him Squeak because of his funny little
meow. Shelter Manager Janette became his mom. Squeak had a special mission at the shelter that he
chose. Whenever motherless frightened kittens came to the shelter, Squeak approached them showing
them food dishes and litter boxes. He then let the kittens play with him, jump on him, and he in turn
shared his bed with them and gently nuzzled the scared little ones. His calm easy going personality
quieted the kittens and made their transition to a forever home so much easier. Squeak never got angry
or frustrated with these little balls of fur. But the ravages of age began to take a toll on Squeak as he
approached twenty years of age. On her day off, Janette got a call from the shelter and knew it was
Squeak. She dropped everything and raced to the shelter. One look at Squeak and she knew it was time.
Sitting in her loving lap and purring, Squeak crossed the Rainbow Bridge. The staff and volunteers of the
Moab Animal Shelter and Humane Society of Moab Valley love and miss Squeak. We do smile thinking about Squeak going up to
the Pearly Gates with St. Peter sitting there and telling St. Peter two things:
1. I have work to do. Show me where the motherless frightened kittens are so I can give them
comfort as I did for 14 years on earth.
2. You are in my chair.
We miss you Squeak.